The Truth About Online Casinos In South Africa
Naturally you well are aware that online casinos are technically illegal in South Africa. Yet, the undisputed fact is that South Africans pretty much ignore that fact and actively seek out and enjoy online casinos that are based offshore. Which gets to the real truth about the popularity of online gambling sites.
You see, South Africa ranks right up there with Australia as one of the highest value online gambling players in the world. Yes, you read that right, the reality is that South Africans really enjoy their online gambling experiences. More importantly, the South African online casino player is willing to work around the somewhat arduous hurdles put into place with respect to making real money deposits. In other words, the South African who is determined to enjoy online casino action is quite willing to use alternative payment methods such as Netteller, Skrill and the like.
At the same time, the reality of the online gambling situation in South African is that there are scant resources to go after offshore online casinos who are targeting South Africans. So, now put all of these pieces together and what do you end up with?
You end up with the situation as it exists in South Africa today. On one hand you have an excited online casino fan base who is perfectly willing and able to put their hard earned money on the line. On the other hand you have a system with scant resources to put an end to offshore online casinos specifically targeting the South African crowd.
In other words, basic economics played out in real life. There is a demand for a product from a group that is quite willing to spend good money for the product. There is the product suppliers who are only providing a service that is desired. So what’s missing here?
The money! The money that could be flowing into the state coffers. Surely by now, even the most ardent opponents of legalizing online casino action in South Africa can see the truth of the situation. Sure, if this was but a few short years ago, you could adopt the attitude of “let’s wait and see how this thing plays out”.
Well guess what? That time has come and gone. Now there are successful models around the world. Take the example of the U.K. where online casinos are legalized, regulated and taxed. Hello! Does that not make sense for anybody in Parliament these days?