South African Online Casinos: To Play or Not to Play ?
Arguably some of the best news for South African Online Casino players is the increased opportunity for them to play real money casino games online even if they are in South Africa! As you now, the laws in South Africa are unclear and confusing. Is it any wonder that many a South African player wonder if they should play online casino games or not. Yet, despite this confusion the fact is that the number of regulated and licensed offshore internet gambling sites allowing South African to play using the Rand is on the rise.
It’s unfortunate that today it is extremely difficult to keep up with South African laws governing Online Casino games. Experts seemingly disagree on whether gambling online is a violation of the law or not. This state of indecisiveness has prompted many internet casino sites to set up their operations offshore which allow lots of South Africans to continue playing online casino games using the Rand.
This whole drama began back in 2004 when the South African Government passed the National Gambling Act. This act specifically prohibits South Africans from offering interactive gambling and involving them-selves in gambling activities online. But there was a loop hole as the act didn’t ban online sports betting and racing. Now many sites and indeed South Africans use this loop hole as a basis for playing online casino games.
In 2010 the justice system is South Africa banned offshore servers from hosting their gambling sites in South Africa. However many South Africans still continue playing online casino games more now that many sites accept the South African Rand.
So what about the taxes local and national government treasuries are missing out on? This is an easy one to answer; the South African authorities know that anyone playing online casino games is violating some of their many laws. So think to yourself, if you are doing something technically labelled “wrong” by a law you already disagree with, why would you have to do them an honour of paying taxes? In other words, one way to look at this is that online casino gambling is a simple way to make money without having to see the taxman.
There you have it, go ahead and play casino games without fear as the government is yet to come up with strict laws!