South African Online Casino Rumor Is True
Heads up, the rumor that was circulating in and around the internet over the last few months has turned out to be true. As the old saying goes, most rumors have a least a tidbit of truth to them. In this case, its much more than a tidbit, in fact it could very well be a game changer (pun intended) for South African online gambling fans.
Here’s what is going on. In the off chance you missed the headline news announcement, the door is starting to swing open for legalization of online gambling in South Africa. You see, the very first, in fact a draft version, of a brand new South African internet gaming bill was only recently released to the public. The authors of this bill appropriately named their creation the Remote Gambling Bill of 2014.
Now there will be a mandatory 30 day period before any other action can take place. This 30 day period is put there specifically for the public to review and make comments on the bill. At the end of the 30 days, well, let’s get to that point and we will see how this plays out.
Your Cheat Sheet to this new bill. Consider this a short version or a list of the highlights of this proposed legislation. First, there is the creation of what is called a “remote gambling license”. This remote gambling license is to be provided by the National Gambling Board after first being submitted through the proper channels, the provincial licensing authorities.
Next, and this is where it starts to get interesting. To qualify for the remote gambling license mentioned above, the applicants are required to keep quote “…part of the remote gambling equipment” within the borders of the province from which the gambling operator is submitting the application. No word yet on what this really means, we will have to keep our eyes on this one.
An even more fascinating item in this proposed legislation concerns eligible online casino players. According to the language in the draft provided, anybody could play, whether they hail from South Africa or not. Wow! That’s tremendous. So, with this little item, South Africa legislators are in essence opening up their online casinos to the world. Amazing, isn’t it. For years online casinos were ruled illegal and now with the stroke of a pen, everyone is welcome to play.