Online Casino Action In South Africa, A Look Back
Of course you already know full well that online casino action and online sports betting are wildly popular throughout South Africa. No matter what the opponents of online casino action such as the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) would have you believe, quite a number of South Africans have grown rather fond of their online casino activity and seemingly have no strong interest in curtailing such activity.
That being said, it is actually very helpful for you to take a short look back in time at the history of online casino action in South Africa. With all of the existing word play back and forth about online casino action, you may in fact be surprised to learn that South Africa was in fact at the forefront of developing online casinos from the very beginning.
Take note of some of the countries involved in the early stages of online casino action. These are countries such as Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa and Zambia. Understand that from the very beginning there were quite a number of hurdles to overcome. Hurdles such as the oft thrown out claims that gambling is immoral and that sort of thing.
Truth be told, online gambling was strictly prohibited and even punished by laws written to quash the development of online casino action. This anti gambling attitude first started to change with the arrival of horse racing, then the lottery and finally the arrival of land based (brick and mortar) casino sites. At about the same time, legislators felt the need to establish some sort of laws to reflecting this new attitude. Recall that there was the National Gambling Act of 2004 which came with quite a number of restrictions. Later, in the year 2008 to the National Gambling Act was passed. For the record, the amendments in 2008 established a gambling board.
That being said, Gambling Board or not, the popularity of online casino action enjoyed by South Africans has exploded over the past few years. You will not be surprised to learn that some of the most widely enjoyed online casino games are slot machine games followed by traditional table games such as poker, blackjack and such.
So what does all of this mean for the South Africa and online casino action? If anything, the somewhat long and storied history of South African gambling demonstrates that it is only a matter of time before online gambling is fully embraced.