Boom In Online Gambling Markets Internationally
Actually that statement comes from a quote from the CEO of the online betting site Lotto Star. For the record, Lotto Star is actually an online fixed odds betting site. Note that very important word right there in the description, the word of online.
Yes, as you know virtually everyone is online nowadays. Not surprisingly, you can see that the incredible popularity of the Smartphone with Internet access has in no uncertain terms literally changed the world. More importantly, its not just a process change such as the ability to access websites without being tied down to a desktop computer. No, the change is much much more profound than that. You see, the undeniable reality of today’s consumer is that the expectations have changed.
Naturally, you can see this for yourself. So what the Lotto Star is leading to is what is going on in South Africa. Or perhaps at this point it would be more accurate to say what is not going on. You see, what Tasoulla Hadjigeorgiou, CEO of Lotto Star is expressing is that if South Africa doesn’t get its act together, and soon, the country will continue to lag behind, perhaps far behind.
In other words, once again it is about the legalization of online gambling in South Africa. Hadjigeorgiou puts it this way: “in the digital age where services such as gambling are going online, there has been a significant boom in online gambling markets internationally.” The not so subtle suggestion here is that the current position of the South African government is in no uncertain terms limiting the opportunity for South African companies and by definition the government and country as a whole from taking advantage of additional revenue source.
Look at this way. It takes no big stretch of imagination to clearly see that legalization of online gambling and online casinos action could bring much needed positive spin-offs to South Africa. Think job creation. Think more revenue.
So what is the hold up? Should Parliament have any doubts about the viability of legalized online gambling there are now examples around the world that show that it can and does work. For example, one model to follow is that of the U.K. In the U.K. online casinos are regulated, taxed and assessed fees. So far, the model used in the U.K. has proven successful. In other words, if South Africa does not know how to proceed, there are successful examples that can in fact be copied.
Bottom line is this: the world is changing around South Africa with respect to online casino action. It is past time for Parliament to wake up and make the right choice.